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Family Astronomy

Thursday, March 18, 2021 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: The Blue Mountains Public Library Zoom

We're going to have a family star party. Join BMPL and Ian Wheelband from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada for a fun-filled virtual night under the stars from the comfort of your own home. This will be an interactive program, so bring your questions! There will be an engaging conversation about observing the night sky. Ian will discuss what you might take outside with you in your "Star bag", which is that list of items to make the night a fun event. Ian will move on to family observing projects for our star parties with only the unaided eye, binocular star parties, and small telescope star parties. He will include some suggestions about binoculars and telescopes for the family. There will also be a chat about keeping the night skies dark and a Citizen Science project where your family can be scientists (for real) and contribute real research from your own back yard. The program will close with a short chat about the objects in the night sky for the next month or two, so you can get started planning your very own family star party. All ages. Pre-Registration required. You will need a computer or laptop with a web camera, or a tablet or smart phone to participate in this event. Once registered, you will be sent a Zoom Meeting ID and password to attend this program.
